Monthly news, July 2023

Plant Sale and Swap
Once again we were blessed with a lovely morning for the annual plant sale and swap on Sunday 21st May 2023. Lots of plants bought, swapped and sold and plenty of cakes, books and produce were sold. Many enjoyed fresh scones, a drink and chatting to friends both inside and out. Thank you to all who supported the event.

2023 Best Kept Front Garden Competition
The preliminary judging for the best front garden competition will be done by the FGA committee over the next few weeks. We are delighted that Peter Jackson from Scotsdales will be joining us on Wednesday 12th July 2023 to judge the shortlisted gardens and select the winner. The Foxton resident with best kept front garden will be awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Cup at the Village Show in September.

2023 Village Show
This year’s Village Show will be on Saturday 9th September 2023. In August, every house in the village will receive a copy of the show schedule. We do hope as many as possible will enter (even if only 1 item!) and come along to view the show in the afternoon. Stay tuned for more news about the 2023 show!

Return of cups
If you won a cup, or cups, at last year’s show, please can you return them by the end of July in order for them to be engraved. Please give them to Ian Constable, or contact us, if you have any questions.

Tips and hints for July
1. Deadhead flowers as they fade.
2. Divide bearded irises.
3. Layer and take cuttings from carnations and pinks.
4. Take semi ripe cuttings from shrubs.