Month: February 2024

Commemorative Bench for The Dovecot Meadow

Foxton Gardens Association has commissioned a bench to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III. Foxton Parish Council has approved the initiative and the bench will be placed in The Dovecot Meadow at the end of February, weather and fixing conditions permitting.

It will be sited by the trodden path, not far from the gate, so as to give easy access and a good view of the Meadow and the Dovecot itself.

We are very lucky to have this special village space and we hope people will enjoy pausing there to relax, absorb the view, spot the variety of wildflowers and to listen to the beautiful singing of our local birds.

The bench, similar to the one pictured above, is being made by TDP. Come back soon to see photos of the bench in its new home!

Thanks to Linda Smith for spearheading this project for the village!

Categories: News, Recent projects

Monthly news, March 2024

The provisional 2024 dates for FGA events are as follows:
  • Tuesday, April 16th – A.G.M., details of the time and speaker to follow.
  • Saturday, May 11th – Plant Sale and Swap.
  • Saturday, September 7th – Village Show
At the time of writing all allotments plots are taken but if you are interested contact Rachel Harrison (FGA Allotments Secretary) to join the waiting list. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch!

Tips and hints for March
1. Prune bush and shrub roses.
2. Lift and divide overgrown perennials.
3. Split polyanthus and snowdrops after flowering.
4. Put growbags in the greenhouse to warm up.
5. Enjoy the Spring flowers.