Past projects

Foxton Village Sign
Jointly funded by Foxton Parish Council, the FGA and individual donations, the Foxton Village Sign depicts notable buildings and features in the village, as well as the eponymous fox. The unveiling took place on 4 November 2012 and despite the pouring rain attracted a good turnout including the artist/designer Brian Gaze. The sign incorporates scenes of Foxton life suggested by residents and members of the Common Stream History Society. These include the parish church of St Laurence, the Dovecote, Burlington Press and historic cottages on the village green. Other elements that can be seen are the Mortimers Lane water pump to symbolise the common stream, sporting equipment to illustrate the active life of the village, wheat sheaves for our farming heritage, and a Civil War helmet that harks back to Cromwell’s stay in Foxton.

Foxton War Memorial
The FGA funds and arranges floral displays around the village war memorial which commemorates those who lost their lives in the Great War. These are maintained throughout the year by village residents and the FGA.